
Introducing the new CoDevelop brand

I can’t quite believe that I established CoDevelop nearly a decade ago and I now have a fantastic team of nine associates working alongside me. We’ve worked with some amazing companies along the way and our business has continued to develop, to the point where we are now working with bigger businesses on more strategic projects.

Such progress recently led us to realise that the CoDevelop brand had reached the stage where it didn’t truly reflect who we are and what we now do.

So, after working hard over the past few months, we are delighted to launch a new brand for CoDevelop that represents us as the leading provider of executive coaching, team facilitation, and leadership development in the pharmaceutical industry. As it's quite a change from the previous brand, we thought you might be interested in some of the thinking behind it.

The power of collaboration

Earlier this year we began working with award-winning Hampshire branding agency, Air Creative Marketing, to identify what makes CoDevelop the business it is today and what direction we see ourselves heading in tomorrow.

The guys at Air were keen for us to identify why we started the business in the first place, and articulate what we really believe in. I’m a big advocate of the power of collaboration, and this subject came up time and time again in our rebranding discussions. It’s exactly why we started the business in the first place, to use our experience to partner with interesting people and organisations in order to make a real difference to their performance. 

We really believe that the world works better when we all work together.

It’s also clear that we’re no longer the tiny outfit that started the journey. We still deliver the personal touch, but we now work with many companies on a corporate level. So the brand has to be big enough to deliver but small enough to create a really personal connection

What does all this mean for our clients?

If all this sounds a bit theoretical, we’ve given plenty of thought as to what it actually means for our clients, all of which are looking to develop better people and better teams for business success. 

In the most obvious ways, all clients are different, with different cultures, different structures, and different objectives. What they all have in common however, is the need for a tailored coaching programme that works for their individual needs, and the only way to achieve this is to collaborate - to understand, to listen, and to work together.

The new CoDevelop

All of this background work on what we do and why, needed to be translated into our new brand. The designers worked to bring this to life in a new identity that needed to be clear, modern, approachable, dynamic and distinctive. 

It also had to clearly show collaboration at the heart of the business, something we amplified further by using the strapline COLLABORATIVE COACHING. 

We’re very proud of the results but would love to hear what you think.

By Caroline Jacquet 07 Dec, 2023
Here at Co Develop we believe that the world works better when we all work together. We have been talking a lot recently about the power of collaboration because we see first hand, every day, what can be achieved by bringing people together to solve challenges, create better solutions and make things happen. So what does this mean for leaders and their teams? Today, we dive into the essence of leadership that we think defines success in the contemporary world - Collaborative Leadership. We have learnt from our clients that in order to best serve patients and as a result of recent events in the Pharmaceutical industry, aligning with the principles of collaborative leadership becomes not just a choice but a necessity. Drawing inspiration from the insights of the Oxford Leadership group paper, "Collaborative Leadership: Engaging collective intelligence to achieve results across organisational boundaries" , let's explore why being a collaborative or enterprise leader is crucial for you and your team in today's dynamic landscape and unearth practical actions you can take. Why Collaborative Leadership matters In the fast-paced and interconnected world we inhabit and in the complex matrix structures of most of the Pharmaceutical industry, the traditional, hierarchical model of leadership is becoming obsolete. The challenges we face, from global pandemics to complex economic landscapes, demand leaders who can navigate ambiguity, foster innovation, and unite diverse teams. This is precisely where collaborative leadership comes to the fore. Adapting to Complexity The Oxford Leadership group paper emphasises the need for leaders to engage collective intelligence to tackle intricate challenges. Collaborative leaders are adept at navigating complexity by tapping into the diverse expertise within and outside their organisations. Breaking down silos Our clients consistently tell us that silos are barriers to progress and ask for our help in breaking them down. Collaborative leaders dismantle these silos, fostering cross-functional working and finding ways that information can flow seamlessly across departments. Fostering innovation Collaboration is the breeding ground for innovation and change. Collaborative leaders create a culture that encourages the exchange of ideas, sparking creativity and driving continuous improvement. Rather than protecting their own ideas, they generously share them with other teams and encourage them to build on them together. Thriving in Change The ability to adapt and thrive in times of change is a hallmark of collaborative leadership. Leaders and teams who are working together and connected both within and outside their organisations can spot opportunities for change first. They take inspiration from what they learn from others to drive the changes that will help them succeed.
Executive Coaching
By Caroline Jacquet 14 Sep, 2023
In the vibrant world of CoDevelop, we believe that the world works better when we all work together. Here, we know that collaboration, relationships, pragmatism, and positivity converge to redefine success. As we embark on this exciting journey of relaunching our brand, it's only fitting that we shed light on a powerful catalyst that fuels personal and professional growth - Executive Coaching. In a dynamic business landscape, where change is the only constant, leaders need a compass to navigate through challenges and seize opportunities. Executive coaching provides that compass by offering a personalised, one-on-one partnership designed to unleash your potential and drive tangible results. Why Executive Coaching? Collaboration At CoDevelop , we believe in the strength of collaboration. Executive coaching is the epitome of collaborative synergy, where a skilled coach partners with you to co-create a roadmap for success. It's not about being told what to do; it's about working together to explore, understand, and implement strategies that align with your unique goals Relationships Building meaningful relationships is at the heart of what we do. An executive coach becomes a confidant, a sounding board, and a strategic thinking partner. This relationship isn't just about professional development; it's about understanding your values, aspirations, and challenges, ensuring a holistic approach to growth. Pragmatism We're grounded in pragmatism, and so is executive coaching. It's not about abstract theories or generic advice. A good coach provides actionable insights and strategies tailored to your specific needs. They are your pragmatic guide, helping you navigate real-world challenges with practical solutions. Positivity While the stakes may be high, the journey doesn't have to be heavy - it an can be focused and fun ! Executive coaching at CoDevelop embraces a positive, strength focused approach. The process is serious, but the atmosphere is positive, ensuring a productive and enjoyable experience.
By Claire Osborn 16 Aug, 2023
Collaboration is at the heart of our business, and we think it's a powerful tool for yours too. CoDevelop believes collaboration to be the driving force behind creativity, productivity, and adaptability. We love working with people and teams because together, they bring diverse perspectives and expertise to the table, leading to creative solutions and better decision-making. We could go on at length about the theory, but we think it’s a natural human instinct to want to work together. Unfortunately in a competitive landscape, business culture can occasionally sleepwalk into a siloed approach - where other divisions, departments or even people are to be avoided or mistrusted. But the benefits of collaboration are so great, they almost always drive collective ambition and achievement far above thoughts of personal gain. When the collective wins, the individuals win too. To summarise, in business terms, effective collaboration delivers; Enhanced Communication Increased Productivity More Efficient Processes Stronger Learning and Development Innovative and Effective Problem Solving United, Aligned, and Engaged Employees Greater Talent Retention
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